Mashable! - Hear a Song You Like While Out & About? Make a Playlist via

It happens all the time — you’re out at a bar and a friend goes, “Hey, dude, you should totally check out Explosions in My Mind’s Sky, they’re like the raddest band ever” (yes, your friend was an extra in Bill & Ted’s Excellent Adventure).

The band does, indeed, sound interesting, but you know you’ll forget the name by the time you get home, and, being that it’s the digital age, it’s not like you carry around a pen or anything. So you forget about… uh… what was the name of that band again?

Enter Sndchck. So what is Sndchck (aside from yet another startup lacking vowel)? Well, it’s like Instapaper for music.

This hack, which was dreamed up during Music Hack Day by the TargetSpot development team, uses a slew of APIs and tools (The Echo Nest,, Bandcap, Twilio, Twitter, MongoDB, HTML5, etc) to c reate a simple way to put a pin in bands, via Twitter, for later consumption.

So let’s say you’re at the aforementioned bar and your friend mentions a band. All you have to do is tweet, for example: @brenna_E pulp @sndchck (Sndchck’s site will tell you to just tweet the artist name and @sndchck, but I’ve found that you have to add your own Twitter handle and a URL for the website to make the service work).

When you get home, go to the Sndchck website and log in via Twitter, and you’ll find a playable track listing of songs from that artist. Friends can also send you music by tweeting your handle, the artist name and @sndchck. One of the founders tweeted Arcade Fire at me, which is why it’s on my list (don’t worry, I know who they are).

“Our goal for Music Hack Day was to get the core foundation in place,” says Ricky Robinett, one of the Sndchck founders. “Now that we’ve cau ght up on sleep,...

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