Mashable! - Twitter Removes Unpopular “Quick Bar” From iPhone App

Twitter has gotten rid of the Quick Bar, a relatively new feature that floats at the top of the Twitter timeline in its official apps for the iPhone and iPad.

The widely unpopular addition, more commonly referred to as the “dickbar,” was included in an update to Twitter’s iOS apps in early March. It displays a hovering list of rotating trends, including those paid for by sponsors (see right).

Frustrated by what many saw as invasive advertising, users dubbed it the “Dickbar” in reference to CEO Dick Costolo whom, as you might have guessed, is in charge of making Twitter profitable — and that includes making advertising products like Promoted Trends visible to users. The press has been quick to link its disappearance to the recent return of Twitter inventor and co-founder Jack Dorsey.

In a blog post, Twitter Creative Director Doug Bowman said the team is “going bac k to the drawing board to explore the best possible experience for in-app notification and discovery” — suggesting that some form of the Quick Bar might return to Twitter’s mobile apps in the future.

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