AT&T Launches First Prepaid Smartphone
AT&T and LG have launched LG Thrive, the first Android smartphone to be available as part of AT&T's GoPhone prepaid plan.
Microsoft Unveils Internet Explorer 10 Preview
Microsoft has released the first platform preview for Internet Explorer 10, less than a month after the launch its much-hyped Internet Explorer 9 browser.
Apple Announces Final Cut Pro X
Apple has unveiled Final Cut Pro X, the newest version of its popular video-editing software.
Further News
- Cisco is discontinuing its line of Flip video cameras, the company’ s CEO announced.
- A group of volunteer bloggers has filed a class-action suit against The Huffington Post, its founder, Arianna Huffington, and AOL, which acquired the digital media company for $315 million in February.
- Flock, the 5-year-old social web browser, is also going out of commission. Support for the browser will be discontinued on April 26.
- Walmart-owned movie streaming service Vudu is now accessible from web browsers.
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Image courtesy of iStockphoto, DNY59
More About: att, Final Cut Pro X, first to know series, internet explorer, LG
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