Baltimore resident and self-proclaimed Joyce nut Steve Cole launched the experiment well before the actual Bloomsday date (today, June 16), asking for volunteers to take part in the retelling. Slow readers, fear not, Cole and Co. are not simply reposting Ulysses in its entirety.
“That would be dull and impossible,” Cole says in a statement on a site dedicated to the endeavor. “What is proposed here is a recasting or a reimagining of the reading experience of this novel, start to finish, within the confines of a day-long series of tweets from a global volunteer army of Joyce-sodden tweeps. ”
The show started at 8 a.m. (Dublin time) and will continue for 24 hours, during which a cast of Joyce lovers will share their retellings via the account @11ysses in the form of six tweets every 15 minutes.
Whoever got the end of the book lucked out. I imagine it goes a little something like this: “Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes.” About six times.
More About: books, james-joyce, social media, twitter, ulysses
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