Mashable! - Path Social Network Arrives on Android [PICS]

Android users, rejoice: Path, the social network previously available only to iPhone owners, is now available for you to download.

I say rejoice because Path has become my go-to social network for connecting with my family and closest friends, even above Facebook. (Incidentally, co-founder Dave Morrin was an early employee of Facebook.)

It’s dead-simple to use: Snap a photo or 10-second video on your mobile device; tag your location, activity and who you’re with; and share it instantly with your friends — or up to 50 of them, anyway. All of your friends’ updates, or “moments,” will appear in a newsfeed on the home screen where you can respond using emoticons and comments.

Unlike just about every other social network you know, Path limits the reach of your network to 50 people (although you can adjust your share settings to cross-post updates to Facebook, as well), alte ring the way you interact with the network. What I would normally refrain from sharing with my 845 “friends” on Facebook, I’m often quite eager to share with my inner network on Path.

Screenshots courtesy of Christina Warren.

What’s more, my friends and family don’t need to be on Path to receive my updates. I can opt to have my posts delivered directly to their inboxes.

Scan the QR code below to try the public beta on your Android device (requires Android 2.1 or higher), or watch the video for a further overview of the service:

Video Overview

More About: android, beta, invites, Path, Path for Android, social network

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