Mashable! - Top 10 Twitter Trends This Month [CHART]

It looks like a match made in heaven — the Royal Wedding and social media. The last such affair, back in 1981, had the world glued to their TVs, but this time around, spectators were also following along on their so-called second screens. The event broke live streaming records and as we see in the list below, dominated Twitter conversations not only for the week of the event, but for the whole month of April.

Otherwise, this month’s list is fairly boring: The Bieb is back. Sports are huge and so are boy bands and holidays (including 4/20.) Perhaps the only big surprise is the appearance by My Chemical Romance, whose fans seemed to have been on a mission to get the band in the top 10. In the end, though, they couldn’t beat a Royal Flush.

To see the full list, check out the chart below. Because this is a topical list, hashtag memes and games have been omitted from the chart. The aggregat e is based on Twitter’s own trending algorithm, and does not necessarily reflect raw tweet volume.

You can check past Twitter trends in our Top Twitter Topics section.

Top Twitter Trends This Month: April

Royal Wedding
Prince William and Catherine Elizabeth “Kate” Middleton were married on April 29, 2011 at Westminster Abbey. Users also shared songs that should be played at their wedding and taking popular movie titles and placing a reference or a pun based on the Royal Couple.
Justin Bieber
Justin Bieber’s account reached 9 million followers so his fans RT’d...
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