Mashable! - Obama Ridicules Trump With a Smile [VIDEO]

At Saturday night’s White House Correspondents’ Dinner, president Obama had a ballroom full of press luminaries laughing at Donald Trump, while Saturday Night Live’s Seth Meyers made sure the roasting was spread around to many of the media outlets that were present.

Obama’s pointed satire of Trump included the graphic of a “Trump White House” you see here, created by the real White House specifically for the occasion.

Let’s start off with the highlight of the evening, which the president delivered with smiles — but we had the feeling the audience was not laughing with Donald Trump (who was present at the dinner), but at him (if you’re in a hurry, the best part is at 9:36):

Then was time for SNL‘s Seth Meyers to take the stage, offering his own brand of wide-ranging satire. If you’re in a rush, our favorite part is at the 5:12 mark, where Meyers takes choice shots at The New York Times and the Huffington Post:

More About: Donald Trump, humor, obama, seth meyers, trending, video, White House correspondents dinner, youtube

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