Copyblogger - Two Stunning New WordPress Themes

I gotta say, if Clark would let me, I’d write up one of these StudioPress updates for you every week.

Our StudioPress team has so much cool stuff going on. I can barely keep up with all the ways they’re making WordPress websites better, and your life online a piece of cake.

So, let me try in this quick post.

If you’ve not yet heard about what’s going on over at Copyblogger Media’s StudioPress division, we’ve built a world-class website framework for WordPress and have currently delivered (with more on the way) 36 child themes to easily skin your site.

Our StudioPress team has done most of the heavy lifting for you when it comes to website design, search optimization, and security.

Here’s a quick look at what you get “out of the box” when you hook yourself up with the Genesis framework + any of the 36 turnkey designs:

  • Unlimited updates, domains you can use your theme on, and support (you’re never on your own)
  • Quick-change between different color schemes without touching a line of code
  • Extend your site’s power and function by tapping into an array of StudioPress-made plugins
  • Evolve with your site's growth using multiple page layout options
  • Logical navigation & category layout that lets your readers get to what they want, fast
  • All the SEO, security, and design benefits of the Genesis Framework

That said, here are two new great-looking designs direct from the StudioPress workbench …

True bliss is yours for the taking…

Wedding websites have taken off.

Building a site for your (or your client’s) wedding day is a charmingly simple way to:

  • Crowd-source your planning
  • Keep friends and family updated
  • Archive your engagement (and beyond)
  • Prime your guests...
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