Mashable! - 7 Unique Eco-Friendly Company Transportation Alternatives

This post originally appeared on the American Express OPEN Forum, where Mashable regularly contributes articles about leveraging social media and technology in small business.

Sperm bikes, electric cars and biodiesels, oh my!

Converting your company’s transportation fleet to an environmentally friendly one can be a daunting and costly process, but oftentimes the change brings significant cost savings. Not only that, you’re helping preserve our planet, which is a noble cause not to be taken lightly.

These seven companies have introduced innovative ways to make their companies’ transportation more eco-friendly. Read on for more details and let us know about interesting alternatives you’ve seen around your neighborhood.

1. Nordisk Cryobank's Sperm Bike

Nordisk Cryobank, a European sperm bank, recently launched its "Sperm Bullitt," a sperm-sha ped bicycle with a custom cooling system for transporting sperm samples to nearby fertility clinics.

The Sperm Bullitt is also a moving advertisement for the Copenhagen-based sperm bank. The website URL written on the side of the bike translates to "Become a sperm donor." Users visiting the website are greeted with information on how to get started with sperm donation.

The bike serves as an environmentally-friendly method of transporting sperm, as well as a way to attract new donors. We applaud the creative thinking that went behind this idea.

Image courtesy of European Sperm Bank

2. Gowalla's Employee Bikes

Gowalla CEO Josh Williams issues all employees Gowalla-branded bikes, complete with the employee's name painted on his or her bike.

Over half of all Gowalla employees use these bikes to travel to and from work every day. "The decision to do this was a way to both be eco-friendly and to promote Gowalla's mission of being active and...

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