Unlike the attacks that have plagued Sony since April, the hackers claiming to be behind this breach wrote in a tweet that they “mean no harm.”
On Friday the hacker group LulzSec posted data on its website that it claims is Nintedo.com’s webserver configuration. Nintendo told the Wall Street Journal that the attack involved no sensitive information and caused no problems with operations.
“Just for fun while we at LulzSec warm up,” the posted document reads.
Last week, the same group claimed to be behind a more serious attack on Sony, which has had information from more than 100 million user accounts stolen in a series of hacker attacks that began in April.
But, if its Twitter account is any indication, the group did so with glee. The same account that tweeted, “We love Nintendo and Sega, if anything we’d hack *for* them,” also posted a leader board for “Hackers vs. Sony” and invited others to join the game.
Why do some hackers hate Sony so much? The most documented conflict between the company and hacker groups is over a lawsuit the company filed against George Hotz, a 21-year-old hacker who unlocked the PlayStation 3′s operating system. When the lawsuit was filed, it incited multiple hacker attacks and a boycott by the hacktivist group Anonymous.
Since that point — either in reaction to the lawsuit or for other reasons — Sony has suffered what most consider to be an embarrassing number of successful cyber attacks. The recent attack on Nintendo raises questions as to whether any site is fully secure against such attacks.
More About: hackers, Nintendo, sony
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