ProBlogger Blog Tips - 20 Ways to Make More Money from Your Blog

This guest post is by James Penn of

A few weeks ago, on the ProBlogger Community Boards, I started a new forum topic titled, “Help Me Monetize 1,000 Visitors Per Day.”

My natural health blog had experienced some rapid traffic growth, and had grown from 80 visitors per day to over 1,000 visitors per day using these seven strategies.

Yet my income was pitiful.

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My only monetization strategy was linking to relevant Amazon products, and I was generating just over $100 per month. I worked out that if I carried on like this, simply promoting Amazon products, I'd need to be clocking 50,000 visitors per dayto make a comfortable, full-time income with this blog.

That wasn't going to happen anytime soon, so I sought advice from fellow ProBlogger forum members, undertook my own research, and carried out my own experiments in a quest to discover alternative ways to increase the revenue I generated from my blog.

In this post, I share twenty strategies you can use to increase your blog income. Many I’m already using, many I plan to use, but some I don't think would work on my particular blog, though they may work on yours!

1. Google Adsense

I'd always been against adding Google Adsense to my webpages for fear of it taking away from the user experience.

I needn't have worried as I've been able to add one ad unit in a fairly prominent position and one in a more secluded area of the blog without disrupting my readers.

I've only had these ads up a few weeks but initial results suggest they will earn me more this month than I earned with my entire blog last month.

2. Sidebar linking

Your sidebar appears on every single one of your blog pages. You need to be making the most of it.
Something I've experimented with is adding a new link category with a title...

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