The danger of giving good advice is, of course, that it is not often used.
The listener nods politely, saying, “Yes, yes, thank you. That is precisely what I ought to do.”
Then the listener goes right ahead and does precisely the opposite.
“Don’t ever give anybody your best advice, because they’re not going to follow it.” ~ Jack Nicholson
Jack may be right. Nonetheless, below you’ll find the best advice Copyblogger has to offer on using and applying Twitter to your marketing goals.
If you’ve got 140 characters to fill, here’s a few good ideas and strategies on how to do it to great effect …
The Ultimate Guide to Twitter Marketing
Start here. 100 curated articles covering 21 different topics. It’ll take a couple days, so get going now. #awesome #icantpossiblyclickallthoselinksman
The Art of Writing Great Twitter Headlines
A Copyblogger classic. Brian saw early on that Twitter upped the headline game quite a few very brutal notches. Think your tweets are getting read in that firehose of information? Think again. Here’s how to do it. #iftheydontreadyourheadlinetheydontreadyou
How to Use Twitter to Grow Your Business
This one might make you think twice about sharing [only] the mundane aspects of your life on Twitter. Yes, it can open up connections to power players you never thought possible. Yes, it can generate traffic and super-qualified leads. Yes, the plan is laid out for you right in this post. #123 #abc
5 Steps to Going Viral on Twitter
Is it still possible to blow up on Twitter? If it is, these 5 steps (backed up by data) can show you how. #thisvirusdoesnotsuck
Here's Hard Data for Headlines that Spread on Twitter
We talked about the art of it...